





General Description: Using NCE\'s proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation;?Features?? Trench FSII Technology offering?? Very low VCE(sat)?? High speed switching?? Positive temperature coefficient in VCE(sat)?

General Description: Using NCE's proprietary trench design and advanced FS (Field Stop) second generation technology, the 650V Trench FSII IGBT offers superior conduction and switching performances, and easy parallel operation; 


? Trench FSII Technology offering 

? Very low VCE(sat) 

? High speed switching 

? Positive temperature coefficient in VCE(sat) 

? Very tight parameter distribution 

? High ruggedness, temperature stable behavior Application

? Air Condition 

? Inverters 

? Motor drives

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